Lessons from Peter: Sink or Walk on Water.
Matthew records the episode of Jesus walking on the water. Peter sees Jesus walking on the water… and I love this about Peter… he asks Jesus if he can walk on the water too. Imagine Peter’s excitement when he can walk on the water just like Jesus! But then Peter looks down (and takes his eyes off of Jesus) and gets a little scared and starts sinking and of course Jesus won’t let him drown.
In my opinion, this story foreshadows Peter’s denial of Jesus. The Jews come for Jesus and Peter sees Judas betray Jesus and all of the disciples, but Peter is still walking on the water and full of courage and pulls his sword out and attempts to defend Jesus. However, there a lot more of the Jews than the disciples and they have torches and swords and spears and Peter’s faith begins to sink and he runs like a scared cat.
Peter’s fear turns to selfish protection as he denies Jesus three times (and takes his eyes off of Jesus) and he sinks even further into the water.
But wait! Jesus has already given Peter a life preserver and he has it in his back pocket. Jesus has warned Peter that Satan will tempt him and he will fail and instructed Peter that after his failure, to swim back to the surface and get about the work of establishing the church.
We too may from time to time take our eyes off of Jesus and sink into the deep waters of sin but remember Jesus is watching from Heaven and praying for us and has his eyes on us watching to see if we will remember the great sacrifice he made for us and swim to the surface and start walking on water again with him.