A Few Thoughts About Christianity

There’s a thought process among people… even godly people that runs counter to God’s wishes for us. Let’s look at a few examples.
- The fellow who doesn’t carry any money in his wallet so when someone asks for a little help he can flash open that empty wallet. As if… oh yeah I would help you, I just happen to be broke today… you caught me at the wrong time… sorry.
- The fellow in the congregation who doesn’t really want to take the time get to know anybody for whatever the reason. Maybe the fellow thinks he is unlikeable or maybe he just likes being alone. Or maybe he’s afraid someone willl ask for some help so it’s better just not to know anybody very well.
- It’s like the fellow who visited a church semi-regularly and found out the preacher liked to call on people during Bible class. So every time the preacher introduced himself the visitor gave a different name so he wouldn’t be called on (true story).
- The fellow who thinks he can be a good Christian and not be a member of a church because there might be a hypocrite who is a member there and “Jesus didn’t like hypocrites so why should I” Besides church can be watched on TV.
- Or the fellow who says…I can’t go to that party… they might have alcohol there and I don’t want to sully my influence by being around people who are drinking or who might say a bad word.
There’s a fatal flaw in this kind of thinking. You see Jesus wants us to be interacting with all sorts of folks… beggars, needy Christians, hypocrites, imbibers of spirits and even people with salty language. God works through his people and his people are at their best when they are interacting and working with other people… people who are comfortable with sin and people who have made up their minds not to sin.
It’s kind of like keeping money in the safe deposit box… that money is decreasing in value every day it sits there. Put that money to work so it can either hold or increase in value.
Put some small bills in your wallet (small enough so you won’t go broke), introduce yourself to someone (you might get along together like peas and carrots). Go to that party and if someone offers you a beer tell them you would rather have a Big Red or Root Beer. If someone starts using bad language tell them you have a picture of your momma in your wallet and she might be offended by that kind of language.
Trot that Christianity out and take her for a spin… no telling where it might take you.

Puzzles and the Bible


Lessons from Peter: Sink or Walk on Water.