Law: Possible and Impossible
The New Testament reveals that there was a huge controversy among the Jews as to their eternal destination… some believed in Heaven and some did not. That’s understandable because there is almost no mention of a heavenly reward in the Old Testament.
The question is then asked… what was the purpose of following God’s commands in the Old Testament?
Deuteronomy 28 states that if God’s commands are followed then the people would have abundant children, livestock and crops. In addition, they would live long lives and not get sick… but no mention of a Heavenly reward. In addition, the Jews expected for their nation to dominate all other nations on earth as God's "chosen" nation. Keeping God’s commands in the Old Testament were rewarded with earthly prosperity.
The people under the Law of Moses however never realized all of the promised blessings because they couldn’t fulfill their end of this conditional promise. The Law of Moses was almost impossible to keep so their crops failed, their livestock struggled, they got sick and oftentimes their women failed to conceive.
Contrast that with the New Testament. The New Testament is full of references to Heaven and an eternal reward (and also eternal punishment).
Not only that but by comparison Christ’s Law is easy to keep and keeping it means not only a blessed life on earth but an eternity of blessings while living in the very presence of God.
It starts with belief being transformed into faith and having your sins washed away in the blood of Jesus Christ, and rising up a new creature in a new relationship (son-ship) with God the father.
Thank God almighty that we don’t live under a Law that can’t be kept with promises that are always beyond our reach!