Thanksgiving and the Lord's Supper

Thanksgiving is a feast that celebrates God’s bountiful care in providing food and sustenance for us.
The Lord’s Supper feast is also a feast of thanksgiving. It celebrates God’s gift of life for us.
I read somewhere that the average cost per person for Thanksgiving is about ten dollars.
The bread and the wine of the Lord’s Supper in comparison cost just a few pennies. The real cost of the Lord’s Supper however is much, much higher. It’s the cost of our lives.
If someone told you they were going to kill you but would spare your life for whatever money you had in the bank and for whatever you could sell your goods for you would pay it.
If you had a million dollars in the bank you would empty it out and give it to spare your life. If you had properties and possessions that were worth another million you would sell those too. The real cost of the Lord’s Supper is whatever you value your life at because Jesus traded his life for yours.
So whenever you are taking the Lord’s Supper you remember that and remember that the life Jesus gave was far more valuable than yours and mine and thank God with all your heart for the bounty he has blessed us with.
Thanksgiving celebrates things that preserve our physical life. The Lord’s Supper celebrates the death of Jesus Christ and the preservation of our eternal spiritual lives.

Nourishment in the Lord's Supper


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