I was messing around with my mother the other day and I told her that I had talked to the Lord and found out what the entrance requirements were to get into Heaven. I told her that she didn’t have to worry about doing good works because it was going to be a 100 question Bible knowledge test and you had to get them all right and there was no grading on the “curve”.
Mom said… Oh?
I continued that I knew one of the questions… what were the names of Isaiah’s sons? She said she didn’t know and I told her she better start studying for that test.
Bible study is good and profitable but at some point it has to translate into action and providing a light to others through unselfish living.
One of the questions I have is how much Bible do you have to know to be a good Christian? It probably varies from person to person according to their ability.
I know people who have been Christians all their lives and just can’t seem to retain many Bible concepts but they live incredible lives interacting and caring for the needs of others.
I thought about that 100 question test thing because sometimes I think I see an over emphasis (if that’s possible) on Bible study and an under emphasis on daily living as a Christian. We need to have balance in our spiritual lives.
When I was in Veterinary School I was taught a lot of things and took many, many, tests but my real education started when I started applying that knowledge in the practice of Veterinary medicine. Someone told me one time that my greatest teacher was that little dog looking across the exam table from me. Think about that.
Let’s study our Bibles and use that knowledge to interact with others. That’s a combination that will make you wise.