Nourishment in the Lord's Supper
Ephesians 5 states that Jesus cherishes and nourishes the church. Nourishment is necessary for growth.
Ephesians 4 states that we as Christians are to grow into the exact image of Jesus Christ.
Jesus nourishes us so we can grow into him and be just like him.
Usually nourishment means food so it shouldn’t be surprising that Jesus uses food in the Lord’s Supper to represent himself and that in eating that representation we turn into him.
Of course the Lord’s Supper is just a figure for what Christians should be literally doing… consuming everything we know about Jesus (as found in the scriptures) and transforming ourselves into him by thinking and behaving just like he did.
When we take the Lord’s Supper we are proclaiming to the world two sacrifices. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice of our old selves.
The Lord’s Supper should never be just some mundane thing we do by rote but should be a reminder as we eat the bread and drink the cup that we need to transform ourselves.