Prepare for War. Eph 4 & 6

There are two sections of passages in Ephesians that use different pictures to describe spiritual maturity.
The first, Eph. 4:12-16, describes growing spiritually until we look just like Jesus Christ. Like him…we’re engaged in the work of service to others, we’re rock solid on doctrines, we speak truth in a relationship with love and we’re active in a relationship with other Christians, i.e. the church.
The other section is Eph. 6:10-18. This section portrays the spiritually mature Christian as a soldier. The soldier is fully armored and weaponed to wage war against an enemy… the Devil. The Christian soldier has his loins protected with truth, a breastplate which is righteousness, feet protected with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, a shield of faith, a helmet of salvation and a sword which is the word of God.
The Christian soldier also employs prayer for himself and his fellow soldiers.
God calls for his people to develop spiritually both as individuals and as a collectivity of Christians. We are soldiers and we are an army led by a great general… Jesus Christ. Rev. 1:13-16 and 5:5 describe Jesus not as a passive lamb waiting to be sacrificed but as a lion prepared to wage war against Christians and churches who are not maturing spiritually like they should be and instead are being led astray by Satan.
Our great general wants great soldiers and a great army to wage war against the dark forces of evil led by Satan. If you aren’t wearing your armor or if you have forgotten your sword you aren’t much help and could be mortally wounded.

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