Parables... Virgins and Talents
Matthew 24-25
This section begins with Jesus prophesying about the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 with undertones of the Day of Judgement. Then we read of two parables before we get to a section that is definitely talking about the final Judgement Day.
In the final Judgement Day Jesus specifically details the requirements for entering the eternal kingdom. Namely… feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, taking in strangers, clothing those who need clothes, visiting the sick and visiting those in prison.
So now let’s look at the parables.
The first one is the parable of the 10 Virgins. They had a job… one job… to carry oil fueled torches to lead the bridegroom into the wedding feast. The problem was that the bridegroom didn’t come when they expected. 5 of the Virgins were prepared for that eventuality… they brought extra oil. They got to go into the marriage feast. The others didn’t.The bridegroom is Jesus, the Virgins are Christians and the wedding feast is Heaven. You have to be prepared when Jesus comes. You have to have enough oil when Jesus comes. The oil is helping the hungry, thirsty, strangers, unclothed, sick and prisoners. You can’t stop engaging in those activities and rest on your laurels or like with the 5 foolish the door to the wedding feast will be slammed in your face.
The second parable is about the 5, 2 and 1 talent men. Their master trusted them with money based on their ability and then came back for an accounting. The 5 and 2 talent doubled their money and are invited to “enter into the joy” of their Lord. The one talent man is too lazy to work for the master and returns his investment to him. The master cast the 1 talent man into “outer darkness” Jesus is the master, the servants are Christians. Entering into the masters Joy is Heaven and being condemned to “outer darkness” is Hell. The investment the master makes in them is the investment Jesus makes in us.
The investment is helping the hungry, thirsty, strangers, unclothed, sick and prisoners.
To sum it up Christians need to be continually doing good because they don’t know exactly when Jesus is coming. In addition, God has an investment in us that is guaranteed to produce if we will just try. That’s all he asks is effort.
Heaven and Hell are waiting. Choose where you want to go by your actions. Don’t be lazy.