Human Behaviors in Luke 9

Not long after Jesus was “transfigured” on the mountain the Gospel of Luke records three incidents in which Jesus had to correct the behavior of his disciples.
The first incident (Luke 9:46) the disciples were discussing who of the disciples were the greatest. Jesus took a little child and told them that the disciple who cares more about little children than about the noble of the world was the greatest disciple.
The second incident (Luke 9:49) occurred when the John, the beloved disciple, saw a fellow casting out demons and told him not to do it because he was not one of the ones following Jesus. Jesus told John to leave the guy alone.
The third incident (Luke 9:54) occurred when the James and John were insulted by the negligent actions of some Samaritan villagers and wanted to kill them suggesting to Jesus that he send down fire from the sky to do so. Jesus rebuked them for their anger towards the villagers.
Sometimes we are just like these disciples, we focus on personal achievement and fame when we should be focusing on the needs of others… especially the needs of those who can’t help themselves.
Sometimes we’re quick to condemn other religious groups who are doing wonderful things for Christ because they may not understand the Bible just like we do.
And sometimes we are too easily offended and tend to over react against those who have offended us.
Jesus knew the weaknesses in his disciples and worked with them until they overcame those weaknesses. He’s patient and working with us too.

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