Marriage and Trusting God

God gave his laws on marriage for a reason…. not to be overly restrictive on humanity but to to give man a great gift. That gift is the experience with a spouse that teaches how God loves mankind. The relationship of sacrificial love between a man and a woman mimics God’s sacrificial love for us and previews for us our relationship with him in eternity.
Sometimes when the road gets a little rough or takes some turns we hadn’t anticipated or we see another road that looks more attractive we bail out on our responsibilities to our spouses and on our responsibilities to God and end up on a road that leads to unhappiness and eternal destruction.
God has prepared us a road that leads to earthly happiness and eternal salvation. Stay on that road even if it gets a little bumpy. Swallow a big helping of patience and righteous living and everything will turn out just fine. And don't forget to trust in God.

There's A New River


Human Behaviors in Luke 9