In Luke 22:31, Jesus informed Peter that Satan had asked permission to tempt Peter and Jesus had granted permission. I wonder why Satan chose Peter? I think I know why.
Satan knows all the followers of Jesus including you and I. Satan picked out Peter because he knew Peter was dangerous and important to Jesus.
Satan knew that Peter was the one in Matthew 16 who identified Jesus as the “Christ.. the son of the Living God”.
Satan knew that because of that confession Jesus had granted Peter the honor of opening the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven by preaching the first Gospel message on the day of Pentecost.
Satan knew that Peter was one of three special disciples chosen by Jesus to witness his transfiguration.
Satan likes a challenge and always has. With God’s permission he personally tempted Job, one of God’s best people. He tempted Jesus in the wilderness and finally he tempted one of Jesus’ best soldiers… Peter.
Satan singles out God’s best for temptation because the routine temptations of earthly living aren’t enough to cause God’s best to fail. Prepare yourselves to give your best to God and prepare yourselves to receive Satan’s worst and in so doing prepare yourselves for eternal blessings from God.