As human beings we understand that we have a limited number of days to live upon this earth. As servants (employees) of God we understand that those days should be spent working for God. So at the beginning of a new day an assessment should be made about how we performed for God on the previous day and a plan should be made for the new day.
The previous day’s assessment should include; did I actively violate any of God’s commandments, i.e. did I sin? The assessment should also include some thought about the casual social interaction we have with other people. In my social interaction did I represent my employer (God) in a positive way? Was I kind, helpful, encouraging etc. In addition, how did I do in my planned social interaction? Which brings us to this… planning the new day.
Since we have a finite number of days on earth, each one of them is precious and should be devoted in some form or fashion to the Lord. For example, today I’m going to visit someone who is lonely, a home bound widow, a sick person, etc. Today I’m going to encourage someone who is neglecting their abilities. Today I’m going to repair a broken relationship. Today I’m going to interact and get to know someone at church who I only know on a handshake basis (a handshake friend). Today I’m going to help a poor person.
Things are done by littles and as those little things that we do day by day build up they become a huge monument to God. Plan and assess your days or otherwise you may wake up at the end of your day and realize you’ve only accumulated a bunch of wasted days.