The Parable of the Talents and Laziness
I spend a lot of time thinking about the Parable of The Talents. You know the story. A master entrusts a quantity of money to three men (the amount depending on his assessment of their abilities) and then goes on a trip. When he gets back he finds that the top two employees performed very well but the hapless “one talent man” buried his money so he wouldn’t lose any of it and make his master mad. Of course those familiar with the story know that this hapless individual was severely punished for his ineptitude.
Today I was thinking about the one talent man and realized this, that one of his big problems was laziness. LAZINESS! While the other two were working and planning on how to make more money for their master their fellow worker just buried his and sat around. Perhaps never thinking… I’ll dig up a little bit of this money and buy hammers for $2 each and see if I can get $3 each for them. He was lazy just sitting around and doing nothing.
The Lord doesn’t like lazy people. He didn’t like them when the Bible was written and he doesn’t like them now. The Lord assesses our abilities and makes an investment in us. Everyone has some level of ability. No one gets a free pass. Don’t be lazy. Use your abilities so when you meet up with God he will smile at you and give you a big hug.