Facebook, Photos and Friends

Yesterday I posted a photo on Facebook of my brother Greg and some of his church friends when they were teenagers. Almost immediately one of those friends posted the comment “thanks Rob” and sent me a private message with his phone number and to please call him.
When I called him he said Rob I need your help and encouragement I’m having a hard time going back to church and haven’t been in a few months. He continued, you were the oldest of our group and i know you can help me.
You see David was very close to our family. He named his son after my brother Greg. During the conversation he told me the two greatest men he had ever known was his Dad and my Dad. My parents were like his parents. The photo shows four young people about to start their adult lives but somewhere along the way David had made soon poor choices and suffered the consequences of those choices and now with a broken home, broken life and broken health was looking for some help.
I told David that I believed in him and loved him and that he had a wonderful story he could share with others and so he needed to make a better effort to attend assemblies of Christ not only for his own spiritual health but to also help the spiritual health of others through the story of his life. I told him that we have a great enemy and depression is one of his greatest weapons.
I know this if I know anything you don’t spend a whole lot of time in that vicious cycle of depression if you are more worried about others than yourself.
He also told me that he wants me to call and check on him on a regular basis to call him every Monday morning and hold him accountable. He knows that he can’t do it by himself and I suppose thats one of the reasons Christ died to establish his people the church. So they can help each other.
Shortly after that conversation I texted Greg, Scott and Mark and told them that we need to team up to help our lost brother. I’ve already built a text message group to help with that.
All this started with the simple posting of a photo on Facebook.
As I look at my life I see that God is always listening to my prayers and like paying close attention to me. I need your prayers for our missing brother. We have a powerful God.

The Days of Our Lives


Becoming Better Bible Students – Context