Becoming Better Bible Students… Know Your Old Testament
When I was growing up there was a great emphasis on the New Testament and a de-emphasis on the Old Testament, because as I was taught… we live under the New Testament not the Old. A manifestation of that teaching was that a lot of Christians (including myself) just carried New Testaments.
Here’s what I know now… you cannot have a full and deep understanding of the New Testament without a full and deep understanding of the Old Testament… you just can’t.
Remember this, the early church did most of its study out of the Old Testament. When you see a book like the letter to the Romans it is primarily written to a Roman (non-Jewish) audience and yet it is rich in Old Testament references which the Romans would have been very familiar with. Why? Because the basis of their faith was built upon the Old Testament and its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
If we want to practice New Testament Christianity then spend much time studying the Old Testament because it will bring you to a fuller deeper understanding of Jesus Christ and the New Testament… and your faith will be stronger.