Fighting for God

Eph. 6:10-18.
This section of scripture is an encouragement to Christians to be strong. We have to be strong because we are in a battle with a very strong foe… Satan himself
Our preparation for this battle involves armoring ourselves. We cannot win against Satan without armor. It takes a special kind of armor to fight Satan. He is unaffected by Napalm and Kevlar. The Christian soldier’s armor consists of truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation and the word of God. The glue that holds all this together is our communication with God in prayer.
With this kind of armor the Christian soldier is always victorious and Satan is always defeated.
Unfortunately many Christians will be killed by Satan because they failed to prepare themselves for battle. Sometimes Christians think… God will take care of me he won’t let Satan kill me. Yes, God will help us. He helps us by identifying an upcoming battle, by identifying who the enemy is and by telling us how to defeat him.
God could easily exterminate Satan but his plan is to have an all-volunteer army of valiant warriors who love God so much that they don't have any room left to fear Satan and can stand strongly against him. Prepare yourself to fight for God and against Satan.

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