The One and One-Half Talent Man

We’re all familiar with the five, two and one talent men but there is an implication in the text that there exists a one and one-half talent man. He is the man who instead of burying his money, like the one talent man, turned his money over to a bank so his master would at least receive interest.
I suppose this might be considered a minimal level of turn acceptability to the master but... probably not. Let’s consider a few things.
- The one and one-half talent man did not have confidence in his own ability so he shifted his responsibility to someone else. He feared his master.
- The five and two talent men doubled their investments, which would be a 100% return. They worked hard to please their master. They loved the opportunity to please him.
- At a bank one would be lucky to get a 3% return. Probably not a return the master would be happy with.
- If the master just wanted a 3% return he could have put the money in the bank himself.
- The one and one-half talent man probably suffered a fate similar to that of the one talent man. They both feared their master.
God has high expectations for his people. He has made a considerable investment in us and blessed us with many blessings and abilities. He expects a high rate of return on his investment. Don’t be afraid of God. Fear can be incapacitating and encumbering. Love God and believe in his love for you and you will be able to do many things.

Becoming Better Bible Students – Context


Becoming Better Bible Students… Know Your Old Testament