Something You Can Learn from Dogs
I was recently at a seminar that provides service dogs for people who are handicapped and often wheel chair bound. I was struck by what the speaker said, that a lot of these handicapped people are mentally beat down because they are not normal and that feeling is validated every day by the way people look at them and treat them.
When this organization provides a service dog for these individuals a transformation begins to take place… the dog provides unconditional love… the dog cannot see the handicap. He’s blind to it.
And eventually the handicapped person begins to believe the dog that they are worthy of love.
Jesus Christ provides that kind of transforming love but the problem with that is it’s hard to buy into concepts. What’s easier to buy into is when the Lord’s people provide that kind of unconditional love. Then it becomes palpable and real and helps build faith in Jesus Christ.
So when we meet someone who is not like us and may wear the visible effects of a sin stained life don’t look at that handicap, don’t even look at it… look at the person inside and use the power of love that Jesus gave you to help transform them because eventually they’ll begin to believe in it and reject the lie that Satan has sold them and believe in Jesus Christ.