Eldership and Communicating Your Mission
I’m afraid that for many members if you asked them what the mission of the church was they would reply… to take the Lord’s Supper, sing, give the offering, pray and listen to preaching… Failure… abject failure.
Those things are “what” the church does. The mission relates to “why” we do those things. We do the “what” things to accomplish the “why” things.
The Lord’s Supper causes us to remember Jesus and his sacrifice. Singing is a memory device to teach us about God and to teach each other. The offering teaches us to sacrifice to help others. Praying teaches us dependence upon God for all of our cares and worries. And Preaching/teaching causes us to learn about God. These things (and others) help us grow spiritually as individuals and collectively as a congregation to demonstrate to the world (physical world and spiritual spiritual world) that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
That’s our mission and it’s a grand and challenging mission.
So Elders, as leaders, need to constantly communicate to the congregation why we are in business. Not just a collection of spiritual robots performing a mundane list of requirements but a living, breathing, growing, organic collection of spiritual beings waging war with Satan and pleasing our God and Father in Heaven.