Friends... Lost and Found

I know two people who love each other and each wants to feel important to the other person… and yet they don’t call each other because they think the other person should call them. So two people who could have a much deeper relationship… don’t because of their expectations.
A long time ago when I was a Deacon I was really close to one of our Elders and then some church trouble came up and we found ourselves on different sides of the fence. The troubles were resolved but our relationship was never the same and then the old Elder and his wife moved away. I loved that old man… he had taught me a lot about the Lord and plus we were just good friends.
I hated it that we had lost our old friendship and then one day I told Julie, “I don’t care if he doesn’t like me… I like him” and I started calling him and talking with him and lo and behold our friendship rekindled and I found out that he had never stopped liking me and it just took me a little effort to find that out.
Carl Miller developed Alzheimer’s and no longer lives on this earth. I’m glad that we found our relationship before it was too late.
Put your pride away and call those people you love.

Something You Can Learn from Dogs


Eldership and How the Church Functions