Church News. October 4, 2009

Suppose you are a Judge and a high profile case comes into your court. The accused is popular and controversial. The stakes are high; it’s a capital offense. Public sentiment is against the accused and masses of people are assembled outside of your court.

The prosecutors come into your court and make their accusations. Witnesses for the prosecution give their testimony. On the other side, the accused has no attorney, legal council or witnesses and the accused will not even answer the charges or defend himself in any way.

What do you do? Do you accept his silence for guilt and give him the death penalty? What other choice do you have?

That’s exactly the predicament Pilate found himself in when Jesus was brought into trial. What do you do with Jesus? He won’t even defend himself.

Pilate declared Jesus to be innocent (Luke 23:4) even though there was no defense.

Pilate eventually caved in to the demands of the masses and sent Jesus to be crucified.

There is no doubt that Pilate was in a predicament, but it really didn’t matter who was Judge on that day because Jesus wanted to be killed. That’s why he gave no defense. If he had given a defense and somehow managed to walk away from it all, generations of human-kind would owe a blood debt to God.

There would be no heaven for mankind… only hell and eternal punishment.

I’ve got a feeling that Jesus would have allowed himself to be killed for just me or for just you but when the opportunity came up for him to die for all of mankind then the decision became easier. Not easy but easier.

That’s why Jesus gave no defense, his love for you and me. What are we going to do with Jesus?

Church Notes


Church News. September 27, 2009