Church News. September 27, 2009

Church News. September 27, 2009


In Matthew 27:23-25, Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea, allowed the Jewish crowds to determine the fate of Jesus and when they insisted he be “crucified”, Pilate declared himself to be innocent. Whereupon, the Jewish crowds accepted responsibility when they declared, “His blood be on us and on our children”.

About 40 years later, God sent Titus and the Roman army; the city of Jerusalem was destroyed and over one million Jews (men, women and children) were killed. About 97,000 others were taken into slavery.

John 3:16 says that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life”.

The message from Matthew is that “God so loved his only begotten son that whosoever took a part in his death or didn’t believe in him would suffer a bloody death of their own at the hands of the Romans”.

This historical event gives us an idea on how God deals with man when he sins. Not only does God reserve punishment for the end of time but he sometimes punishes us for sin while we still live on earth. And sometimes the punishment for our sins affects other people.

Was God “fair” with the Jewish people? I think so. He didn’t punish them immediately; he gave then 40 years to repent. He sent Apostles, prophets and teachers to them. Great signs and miracles were worked for their benefit. I’m sure that some of those who repented on the day of Pentecost were some of the same ones who 50 days earlier were screaming for Jesus’ blood but they repented and were baptized and were forgiven.

The only ones left in Jerusalem at the time of its destruction were those who had totally rejected Jesus in spite of overwhelming testimony and signs. The Christians had been warned to get out of Jerusalem.

If we don’t want the wrath of God visited upon ourselves and our children then we need to make the right choice about Jesus. It could have current and future consequences.

Veda Bashears is moving back to Mississippi. I’ll sure miss her. From the first time I met her I knew she was someone you could be completely comfortable around.

She asked me one time if I knew a certain song. I told her I didn’t recognize the title. She showed it to me in the songbook and I still didn’t recognize it. I asked her to sing some of it for me. After she sang for a little bit I was quiet for a moment and asked her… did you hear a coyote? She punched me.

The preacher from Mississippi is driving down to get her in the next week or two.

Jennifer Nuckel’s baby shower. Oct 3 at 1:30 pm at Linda Torno’s house.

Dave and Lois are still at MD Anderson.

The Cargile’s annual hayride at their ranch in La Garto is Nov. 7.

Church News. October 4, 2009
