Church Notes


Great news today… Tabby Sanchez was baptized by her grandfather, Jesse Guzman, yesterday.

We had several visitors today…

Lauren Hines
5750 Curtis Clark, #1228

Lauren has just moved here and is a nursing student at Del Mar.

George and Julie Sellers
PO Box 1188
Centerville, Tx. 75833

George is going to be working in the area for the next 6 months or so. He is working on windmill installation.

George Bynum
3956 Wrenwood
Ft. Worth, TX. 76137

George has a son who is a student here.

Building issues…

-We had an AC unit stolen on Friday.
-We have a pipe fence going up on the Stirman St. side of our parking lot. We get a lot of traffic cutting across our parking lot.

Veda’s new address…

Veda Bashears
9787 Hwy 32
Water Valley, Miss. 38965

RD and Jean gave will be celebrating their 60th anniversary this week.

Stefanie Franks said her daughter’s school teacher called her in for a conference. Stefanie asked Alyssa if there had been any trouble at school. Come to find out the teachers thinks Alyssa is talking about Jesus too much in class and wants Stefanie to have a talk with her. Alyssa is 8 years old.

Prayer List. Oct. 4, 2009


Church News. October 4, 2009