There’s a Fungus Among Us
Most People know that Yeast is used in the manufacture of bread. There are many kinds of Yeast but the specific yeast that is used in the making of bread is “Saccharomyces cerevisiae” which means “Sugar eating fungi”
The flour dough is kneaded together with the yeast which eats the sugars in the dough and releases carbon dioxide which makes our bread nice and fluffy. The process is called leavening. In Latin… “to raise”.
In the scriptures Yeast is used figuratively to describe what sin does in a congregation (1 Corinthians 5) and how the Kingdom of Heaven changes the world (Luke 13:20).
In congregations, if sin is ignored and not addressed it has the potential to affect the whole congregation and change the congregation described in its purity as unleavened bread to impure leavened bread… a fungus (sin) has entered and changed the congregation.
In the Parable of the Yeast (Luke 13) the world is like a lump of dough. God’s word is like the yeast… it permeates and penetrates the dough (world) and like a fungus eats up all the sugars (sin) and changes the world to righteousness which is tasty and delectable to God.
As Christians we should be careful not to let the yeast of sin corrupt us and potentially corrupt the church.
If we do that, then the sinlessly pure collectivity of Christians (the Church) can spread like a fungus through the whole world and bring glory to God.