The Court of Popular Opinion
1 Corinthians 5 contains a principle that in my opinion has application for us today as well. Remember that the Apostle Paul was admonishing the Christians in Corinth for taking each other to court over legal matters.
Among other things he advised them that their behavior did not reflect a good picture of the church to non-christians.
Let me suggest that taking our problems to another court… the Court of Popular Opinion might also reflect poorly on christians and the church.
Nowadays we have all kinds of platforms to complain about individuals and businesses… google reviews, yelp, Facebook, etc.
I personally have been called on social media both a “monster” and a “god”. Which is the truth? Probably neither. And here’s the other thing on these types of platforms you’re only seeing one side of it because it does no good… no good at all… to start a battle of words on a social platform.
I’ve noticed on some social media arguments that people go back and edit their comments so that it appears that they didn’t say at all what they did say and the responder’s comments then don’t make any kind of sense. So it’s just better to stay out of those kinds of arguments.
I’m reminded of something my mother told me… if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all.
Try to stay out of legal Courts and definitely don’t take your issues to the Court of Popular Opinion. If you can’t resolve your issue directly then remember what the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthian Christians… its okay to take wrong without complaint. After all Jesus Christ is the supreme example of that isn’t he?