Spiritual Obesity

We had a client who brought their beloved dog in every year who was just obese… morbidly obese. Of course obesity in dogs can lead to early onset osteoarthritis, cancers and just poor quality of life and the owner knew this and was concerned about it. So we did all the lab work including testing for hypothyroidism and we used all the prescription diets designed to manage weight and still this poor canine was obese.

Actually I think our associates were the ones who had been seeing this dog and finally as fate would have it I happened to examine the dog. Finally I looked the owner square in the eye and told him I had an all-natural diet that I guaranteed would cause weight loss. It was a high protein, high fiber, low fat and low carbohydrate diet. The owner was very excited and said I’ll do it! So I told him to let his dog eat one Jack Rabbit every day and make his dog catch it.

There’s lots of applications we could make with that story…how to save a failing marriage, the challenges of parenting, etc. But let’s talk about the fellow who wants to be a better Christian… whatever that looks like. Maybe he wants to know his Bible backwards and forwards. Maybe he wants to preach or lead moving prayers. Maybe he wants to be the best Bible class teacher around, etc. But somehow he can’t seem to get past ground zero.

He knows his goal and wants to end up there but can’t seem to find the right path… the path he’s been on always ends up in the same place. He’s like that client who is looking for some exotic diagnosis and some magical medication that will affect a great cure and neglects to see the obvious.

It takes 12 months to get a year’s experience. There are no shortcuts to success.

If you don’t want to be spiritually obese maybe it’s time to start catching a few Jack Rabbits.


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