Let’s Build a Temple for God to Live In
David King of Israel wanted to build a physical Temple for Jehovah God to live in. He wasn’t allowed to because he was a King who had spilled much blood in the killing of Israel’s enemies. Instead his son King Solomon built it.
Jesus Christ also wanted to build a temple for God to live in and he too like his forefather David was a spiller of blood. Not the blood of his enemies but his own blood.
The temple that Jesus built was not a physical temple in a physical place but a spiritual temple that exists in each and every person who believes in Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:16).
Jesus allowed his own blood to be spilled so that he might purify and cleanse those who believed in him from sin, because God cannot live in a temple tainted by sin (1 Corinthians 6).
What a privilege and blessing that we as Christians have by God personally living in each and every one of us. Also, what an awesome responsibility we have to keep ourselves from sinning so that God feels welcome to continue to live with us.
Let’s not be like the great warrior David who killed his enemies and wasn’t allowed to build a Temple for God. But be more like Jesus Christ who died for his enemies to create more Temples for God to live in.
We are in the Temple making business… for ourselves and for others.