Ruth the Proselyte

Ruth (and probably Orpah) was undoubtably a convert to Judaism. Ruth was familiar with Mosaic Law… she knew about Levirate marriage and she knew about gleaning the fields.

And then there is this…

But Ruth said, “Do not plead with me to leave you or to turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you sleep, I will sleep. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Ruth 1:16

Ruth was from Moab and Moabites followed the false Gods Chemosh and Baal. Their destructive practices included sacrificing their own children.

So, presumably when Ruth met young Mahlon and his God fearing parents (Elimilech and Naomi) and started going to the Synagogue with them she saw the superiority of Jehovah God and the character of his people. She converted from the false gods of Moab to the one and true God and became a person of faith.

By faith, Ruth refused to abandon her mother-in-law even after Naomi told her to.

By faith, Ruth left her own parents and her own country and followed Naomi to a people and a land which were not her own.

By faith, Ruth provided for her widowed mother-in-law by “gleaning” in the fields.

By faith, Ruth followed Naomi’s instruction and the instruction of the Mosaic Law and married Boaz the family's close relative.

By faith, Ruth became the great grandmother of David, King of Israel and progenitor of Jesus Christ King of the World.

Ruth, follower of the gods of Moab, became a follower of faith in Jehovah God and was richly rewarded for her faith.


Naomi’s Test


Ruth... No Accident