Ruth... No Accident

I stated in a previous post that nothing in the Book Of Ruth happened by accident. The events recorded there were not random nor haphazard but rather were carefully planned and orchestrated by God.

Those aren’t just my thoughts. The best evidence for them comes from Naomi herself.

At the loss of her husband and sons Ruth said this…

“For the hand of the Lord has gone forth against me” Ruth 1:13

and this…

“The Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me” Ruth 1:20

and this…

“The Almighty has afflicted me” Ruth 1:21

Naomi, even in the face of losing her family, attributed that loss to God and yet she was still faithful and didn’t question him. Perhaps she knew something better awaits the faithful.

Once we understand that this whole sequence of events came from God then it allows us to look into the mind of God almighty and ask some questions.

- what was it about Ruth that made her so special that God would choose her to be in the lineage of his son?

- how did Ruth become so faithful? Was it through the influence of Naomi?

- how was Ruth spiritually superior to Orpah?

- why did God not allow Mahlon to sire the heir?

- what was so special about Boaz?

I look forward to exploring this with you.


Ruth the Proselyte


Israel and the Sin of Blasphemy