It's a Sad Old World
This world is really a sad old place. Oh… it has it’s merits and a lot of good things but really its pretty sad. And the sadness has to do with losing the ones you love the most in this world.
It usually starts with your grandparents who you were always so glad to see because they loved you so much and meant so much to you.
It gets worse though when you start losing your parents especially when they are relatively young and its unexpected. It’s like a sucker punch to the belly and you can’t breathe for a while.
Then you start losing uncles and aunts and then brothers and sisters. When my brother died recently all my kids and their cousins (12 of them) huddled up and called each other. My kids and my surviving brother’s kids said to each other… that could have been us and our dads… and they cried and felt so sorry for the six cousins who had lost their dad.
I guess the worst pain has got to be losing a mate I guess its because its like losing yourself or someone you like better than yourself. After all you are one flesh with her. I dread that day.
I guess it’s kind of like a big beautiful Live Oak tree and every once in a while you take a chainsaw and remove a branch and after a while it doesn’t look much like a tree anymore. Finally when there are no more branches you look at yourself and think its time for you to go too because you’re tired of living in such a sad old place without the ones who have meant the most to you in this world.
But for those with faith there’s a great hope that there’s a great forest of beautiful trees in Heaven and in Heaven there are no chainsaws to separate you from your loved ones. Until then we must endure the woes of this sad old world.