Birds and Their Songs

We have an owl that lives on our place and every evening and through out the night we hear his soft hoo… hoo…hoo. Julie made the comment that she was surprised that he didn’t get tired of saying the same thing over and over again all the time.

We used to have a mocking bird sit in the tree outside our bedroom and I guess during mating season that bird made the awfullest song/noise during the middle of the night. It was so annoying that I jumped out of bed one night and emptied my shotgun into the tree where he was. I’m sure I didn’t hit him and he just went and found another tree somewhere.

I love to listen to Randy Travis sing “I come to the Garden Alone” and will join in and sing with him. Sometimes the girls at work will have google play rap music and it makes me want to empty my shotgun into google.

The scriptures speak about how God’s people should talk… speech seasoned with grace and kind words and a loving spirit and the like and it’s kind of like that owl hoo…hoo…hoot-ing at night... so pleasant.

You might think hearing the same old thing gets a little tiresome but it never does for me because I would rather listen to that than a mocking bird in mating season or an old grackle and I’m not just talking about birds.


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