At First You Caught My Eye...

“At first you caught my eye,

And then you stole my heart.

I didn’t think I could

Love you more after that.

But now I realize

You have even become

A part of the person I am.

And my very finest qualities

Come from loving you.

I saw these sentiments written on a card and I was struck by the profundity of their meaning.

The beginning of a relationship with all its expectations and in its naivete being satisfied with those early emotions and considering them to be complete and enough.

And then the progression to a more mature relationship and the surprise at what the “two becoming one flesh” really means. Things better understood by experience rather than the expression of mere words.

And then finally realizing that loving another person causes changes in our very own selves that we had no way of expecting. Changes that are awe inspiring. The transforming power of love.

What a blessing here on earth, but understand… the real blessing is being transformed into the very image of Jesus Christ. Becoming a part of him and realizing that our very finest qualities come from not only his loving us but also from our loving him.

That’s hard to understand in the very earliest days of becoming a Christian and I suppose that’s the way God meant for it to be so that we can wake up each day and reflect on where we’ve been and where we are and where we are going.

Praise God!


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