Ask a Simple Question

Julie pointed out something about me the other day. She said I like to make conversation with ordinary people like wait staff at a restaurant or workers that come to our house or bus drivers or cruise ship staff. I guess she’s right… who am I to argue with her, she knows me better than anyone else. Invariably though I will ask those kinds of folks this question… “Where do you go to church?” What I’m looking for are those who are not going anywhere or those who are not happy where they are going. Whereupon I have Julie give them a Parkway Church of Christ business card.

I’ve had some success with that. I had a waitress tell me that she had been struggling and thought I was sent from God. A guy came out the other day to do electrical work at our home and he said he and his young family would be attending. But who really knows how much success there has been? Sometimes you just can’t tell.

I am friends on Facebook with a concierge who worked at a hotel we stayed at in Italy. I’m also friends on FB with a young Filipino guy who worked on a cruise ship we were on. Also a Russian tour guide. Of course on Facebook I’m not ashamed of my faith and they see the religious articles I occasionally share.

Work at being friendly with everyone and don’t be afraid to ask the simple question… “where do you go to church?” Maybe just maybe you were sent from God to help someone discover their faith.


At First You Caught My Eye...


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