You Don't Have to be Afraid of Fire
Paul uses the figure of house building in 1 Corinthians 3 to describe how Christians are built. Of course he says that no matter who the builder is they all use the same foundation… Jesus Christ.
However, teachers/preachers can build different things on that foundation. Every teacher/preachers work will be tested with the fire (fires of temptation. RP)
Some build with non-combustible materials… gold, silver, jewels. Others build with things that will burn up… wood, hay stubble.
Verse 17 states that we are temples of God and that if any man destroys the temple of God then God will destroy him.
There were false teachers in Corinth that were building on the foundation with wood, hay and stubble which would be destroyed. What specifically did they build on that foundation?
- That Paul was not a real Apostle and those taught and baptized by Paul were inferior Christians (4:3)
- They built “jealousy and strife” on the foundation (3:3)
- They tolerated sexual immorality in the church
- They were involved in civil lawsuits with each other.
Paul, of course, in this letter was trying to dismantle that faulty structure and replace it with imperishable things. FYI, it’s always better to build it right the first time.
Here’s the question… what has been built on your foundation? Have you been so haphazard in your faith that you will listen to any teacher/preacher and swallow whatever they have to offer?
Or do you consider carefully what you are being taught so you can withstand the test of fire with imperishable qualities?