How to Admonish

There were some bad problems in Corinth. The big one was divisions among the members based upon who baptized them.
So how did Paul handle or approach this?
First of all he attacked the issue and argued that their position was inconsistent with the teachings of Christ.
Then he absolved himself of any blame recounting his behavior and teaching that came from the Holy Spirit himself.
He charged them with fomenting “jealousy and strife” which were the natural results of their contentions.
He said the fault was with them and called them “babes in Christ” and that they had failed to progress spiritually since the day they were born (baptized).
He called them “worldly”
He said his motivation was not to shame them but to admonish them. Certainly being admonished would cause shame but that wasn’t his primary intent.
Lastly he said this…
“What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod of discipline, or shall I come in love and with a gentle spirit?” (1 Cor. 4:21)
Basically he said there were two ways he could handle this… a nice way and a not so nice way… you choose.
There’s a lot we can learn from Paul… arguing the inconsistency of a problem, identifying where that problem might lead. Calling them out and holding them accountable.
His first approach would be “love and gentleness” but failing that he was ready to whip up on them (figuratively).
Admonishment takes a lot of thought and consideration. Thank you Paul for providing a pattern for us.

Let There Be Light


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