Ordinary Super Powers

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Sometimes the question is posed… if you could have any super power… what would you choose?
I always thought I would like the power to heal anyone of any kind of disease or any kind of suffering.
Can you imagine the good you could do if at the snap of your fingers you could heal someone of cancer?
Imagine if someone you loved had lost their mind to Alzheimer’s and couldn’t even recognize the people who loved them the most and you walked into the room and pressed your finger to their temple and all their lost memories came back?
Can you imagine the gratitude? If you cared about money you could charge anything you wanted to and the sick folks and their families would willingly pay twice that amount.
My Dad died when he was just 62 years old and if I could have him back… even if just for a visit to show him our families I would empty my bank account.
But … there’s a down side to gifts. What if you wanted to take your wife out to eat but couldn’t even sit down and eat a meal because people were dragging in all these sick folk to you?
Surely that must have been what it was like for Jesus and why he had to go to a mountain for a little alone time.
Even without the super power to heal… all people sometimes get tired of doing well. Hence, the scripture I quoted…”Do not grow weary or tired of doing well”.
People might get tired of doing good if it doesn’t seem appreciated or maybe if you find you don’t have enough time for your own needs… or maybe your family’s needs.
We might not have the super power of healing everyone we want to, but… *God does*… and maybe... just maybe he’s waiting to see how much good we’ll commit to before he makes any kind of commitment.
If I had the super power of healing I would drive down to Spohn Hospital and go room by room and heal every one there but since I don’t (and you don’t) have those kinds of powers what’s stopping us from exercising the powers that we do have? The power to visit the sick, the power to pray with the families and the power to help in any way we can?
If a power can have super results doesn’t that make it a super power? Sometimes we just have to do what we can do and leave the rest up to God.

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