Doctors, Preachers and other Specialists

I finished a book recently that describes why doctors think the way they do. One of the things illustrated was that General Practitioners had a tendency to accept whatever diagnosis that a specialist makes because they are board certified specialists… experts if you will. The problem is that specialists tend to be wrong 20% of the time.
I think a similar problem can exist among preachers, teachers and Christians in general. We have a tendency to accept the teachings of our own heroes of faith as being infallible. Perhaps a Preacher whose tutelage we grew up under or a noted Gospel Meeting preacher or maybe a preacher who wrote a book. Going back further… maybe someone who taught during the so called “issues” of the 1950s or even someone who taught during the restoration movement, etc.
In a medical condition a wrong diagnosis can lead to a life time of the wrong medications, continued poor health and maybe even death.
What if our great heroes of faith were wrong 20% of the time? How would that affect our spiritual health?
Study God’s word continuously. Pray to God for spiritual enlightenment. Don’t be afraid to listen to opposing views and don’t be afraid to change your mind.
Listen to your doctor but don’t be afraid to get a second, third or however many opinions you might need for your physical health and remember that your spiritual health is much more important than your physical health

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