Prepare Yourself for a War You Cannot Lose

Imagine if the US Marine Corp. decided to let their recruits train themselves. They gave them all the tools they needed and a set of instructions and said “Good luck boys… there’s a great battle coming you have all you need to be great soldiers” How do you think that army would perform?
Ephesians 6:13-17 describes the Christian as a fully outfitted and prepared for war Roman soldier. Of course soldiers can fight individually but usually fight as an army. The Christian’s army is the collectivity of Christians otherwise known as the church.
Some think they can fight alone and not be a part of a church but that would be foolishness. Satan’s army can easily surround and pick off a lone soldier.
The only offensive weapon (besides prayer) described is the Roman soldiers sword which is identified for the Christian as the “Sword of the Spirit” and the “Word of God”
It would be a mistake to think that Satan can be killed with this sword. I think the imagery of the sword is to describe a close personal fight. The sword is not a long distance weapon like a spear or a bow and arrow. Meaning the fight is not a long distance fight… it’s up close and personal.
The sword can also be a defensive weapon. Satan sees the well-equipped Christian whose faith is mature by reason of use. He sees that the Christian soldier has a large sharp sword (He knows God’s word frontwards and backwards) and like a cowardly lion Satan looks for easier prey. Perhaps a Christian soldier who left his helmet at home or whose sword is hollow and fragile. Or whose sword has been hanging over the fireplace mantle and has a layer of dust and cobwebs on it.
The purpose of Paul’s comparison of the Christian soldier with the Roman Soldier is to motivate his audience to prepare themselves. Some may think that they can just sit around and read the Bible every once in a while and when the need comes pray them-selves out of trouble. Big mistake… huge mistake… a fantastic mistake… truly monumental.
The US Marine Corps knows that they can’t train an effective fighting force by letting recruits train themselves. The recruits need structure, physical fitness, comradery, rigid practice… and they need a tough drill sergeant… So too the Lord’s army.
Join the Lord’s army and prepare yourself for a fight which you… cannot lose… if you are fully prepared. Semper Fi

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Two Gifts from God