Two Gifts from God

Sometimes when we are suffering (for whatever the reason) we wonder… why would God let these things happen to me? For some people it may be just a thought that crosses the mind but for others it can be a deal breaker. They cannot fathom that God would let them suffer therefore they lose their faith in him.
Consider Philippians 1:27-29…
“Let your life be worthy of the Gospel of Christ… because to you it has been granted… not only to believe on Christ but also to suffer on his behalf”
Understand this… we are granted or gifted two things… to believe on him and to suffer for him. Suffering can take many forms. Minimally it can be that someone doesn’t like you and they might not invite you to their birthday party.
On the other end of it someone may kill you for your faith. Maybe a shooter that invades a congregation or a Muslim who thinks that he is serving his rendition of God to kill you.
Whatever you are suffering don’t despair and question God but be happy and take great joy and thank God knowing that you will receive a great reward.
That behavior goes contrary to everything that humanity understands. It is bewildering to them but is a great light that testifies to earthly and heavenly beings the magnificent wisdom of God.
God gives us two gifts… belief and suffering. Open those gifts and treasure them.

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