"What Then is The Law?"

“What then is the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise has been made…” Galations 3:19
Here’s an interesting passage. The referenced Law is the Law given to Moses on Mount Sinai. It was a written Law that regulated almost every aspect of Jewish life.
From Adam to Moses there was no written Law. God communicated to the people either directly or through prophets. From Moses to Jesus there was the written Law of Moses given on Mount Sinai. From Jesus onward there was again no written law (on stone or parchment). All communication from God was given through his son… Jesus Christ.
The Galations passage explains the need for a written Law. It was needed because God was unhappy with the sinful conduct of the people. In addition it was needed to prepare the people for the coming of Jesus Christ and his superior Law. The Law of Moses micro-managed almost every aspect of Jewish life. The Law of Jesus liberated the Jews and gave them freedom (from the Law) in its simplicity.
With the coming of Jesus we no longer have a law written on stone or parchments. Christ’s law is written on our hearts (2 Corinthians 3:3). The Law that specifically is written on our hearts is to love God and to love our fellow man (Matthew 22:34-40 and John 13:34).
So then an important question comes up… what is the New Testament? Is it analogous to the Law of Moses?
The answer is no. Christ’s Law is written on our hearts. The New Testament is the Christ authorized and Holy Spirit inspired writings of the Apostles (primarily) that explains to us the details of how we apply the Law that is written on our hearts.
A Law written on our hearts is a law we carry with us each and every day. What a great joy and blessing!

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