Managing Anger with Subjection
An old friend of mine told a joke that goes something like this… an older guy tells a younger guy, they’re two theories about how to calm down an angry woman. The younger fellow quickly asks what are they? The older gent replies… it doesn’t matter because neither one of them work (they’re just unproven theories).
That’s pretty funny, especially to men, but the truth is that anger is not gender specific… everybody gets angry… men and women. There may be a lot of “theories” about anger but the truth is that God’s word has “factual” information about anger.
Here’s a fact about controlling anger… subjection. It’s hard to get into a “knock down drag out” if one of the parties is demonstrating subjection… which by the way is commanded of Christians (Eph. 5:21).
So what does subjection look like? Consider Sarah and Abraham…
“For this is how the holy women of the past adorned themselves. They put their hope in God and were subject to their husbands, just as Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him lord. You are her children if you do what is right and refuse to quiver in fear.”
Imagine if you were angry with your wife and had your dander up and were fixing to blow your fuse and she quietly got on her knees and bowed her head and said… I’m sorry please forgive me (Lord).
That will take the wind out of your sails and the good ship Anger will come to a dead stop.
There’s a lot of theories and advice your un-godly friends might give you about how to handle anger, but if anger is a problem in any of your relationships you might want to listen to God.