“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
I don’t know much about Mustard seeds but I do know about acorns and Oak trees. Imagine you found an acorn and didn’t know quite what it was. Oh, you knew it was some kind of seed but didn’t know what the seed would produce so you planted it beside a creek. Time goes by and some sixty years later you visit that creek again and lo and behold there is a grand old Oak tree. An Oak with a big old trunk and massive branches that spread so far that it seemed like it would take three days just to walk around it.
You notice that all kinds of birds are roosting in it. Squirrels gather the acorns and deer eat what’s left on the ground. During the heat of the day the cattle find rest under its shade. Travelers rest under the tree and camp at night. You’re amazed at what that little acorn had become and how it had blessed the rest of nature.
Jesus didn’t speak this parable to teach people about growing trees. He taught it to show what the seed of Faith can do in our lives. Faith in Jesus Christ is like that acorn. You might not have a real clear idea of what it will grow into when it’s planted in your heart but given time you’re likely to be amazed at how it can change your life. .. and the lives of others.
Imagine being married to a godly wife and raising children who love and respect you. Imagine what it would be like if everyone around liked and respected you. Imagine what it would be like if God chose to bless you with all the good things life has to offer, all because He loves you as an obedient and faithful son. And lastly imagine what it would be like if the day you died everyone gathered to pay their respects to you and the building wouldn't hold them all. And your children and your grandchildren cried their eyes out because they wouldn’t be able to see your gentle and loving face again this side of heaven.
You might give some thought to how you want to live and die in this life and consider planting that seed in your heart. Give it a little water from time to time and do some weeding around it and above all… trust in God. And get ready for God to amaze you.