Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

One of the doctrinal discussions among Christians today is whether baptism is necessary for salvation or not. Some cite John 3:16 and say the only necessary thing is belief and relegate baptism to just a formality that can be done whenever someone is in the mood to do it.
Others cite scriptures like Acts 2:38 which in part states that one must repent and be baptized to be saved. So which is correct?
Let’s look at it a different way… can one be saved without having the Holy Spirit? Take another look at Acts 2:38… “Repent and be baptized… and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”.
Now let’s back up and see what happened to Jesus when he was baptized (Mt. 3:16). When Jesus was coming up out of the waters of baptism the Spirit of God descended upon him as a dove. Jesus received the Holy Spirit at the time of baptism and immediately began his ministry.
Nothing in the scriptures is recorded by accident. Everything has a meaning for us.
For those wanting to be saved today... you can’t be saved without God’s Holy Spirit and you can’t get that until after you believe and are baptized.
Follow the example of Jesus.

Lost Friendship


Faith is Like a Seed