In 1 Peter we read a letter that was written to Christians who were having their faith assaulted by persecution and trials.
In the first chapter we read of three actions of faith. In verses 4 and 5 Peter tells them that they have an inheritance that no one can take away because God is guarding their promised salvation through their faith. No one could take away their salvation (including Satan) because God promises protection to the faithful.
In verse 7 we read that faith is proved through the overcoming of trials and temptation. What happens if faith consistently fails in the face of temptation? It’s not faith… it’s fake faith because it has failed the test.
In verse 9 we read that we can receive “the end of our faith”… the salvation of our souls. Faith has a beginning and it has an end. It can’t stop half way through the race it has to cross the finish line to reach the prize of salvation.
There are three actions of true faith. True faith carries with it God’s promise of protection. True faith overcomes trials and temptations and true faith continues to the end to receive salvation.
Only true faith results in salvation. Don’t be deceived by the fake faith that Satan peddles.