First of all when looking for a church it helps to have a little Bible knowledge. After all there were several New Testament churches that God was not happy with. Not happy at all. So it makes sense to see what kind of church God did not like.
You should want to be a member of a church that will help you grow as a Christian. That kind of church will hold you accountable for when you are falling a little short and encourage you to do better. When you do good they’ll slap you on the back and be so proud of you and it will make you feel so good you’ll want to do even better.
You should also want to be a member of a church that doesn’t tolerate open and willful sin. I see plenty of churches where men and women are living together outside of vows of marriage. Thats just not right. God doesn’t like it and neither should we and you shouldn’t want to be part of a church that tolerates anything like it.
When you look at a church look at it’s people. A church ought to have people in it that have some long marriages in. People who are true to their vows. Sometimes divorce can’t be helped but a church should have some marriages in it that have weathered some storms. A Church should be full of friendly welcoming people. Hospitality is big with the Lord… real big. If a church doesn’t care about you when you visit, chances are she won’t ever care much about you after you are a member there. A Church ought to be full of people who have great Bible knowledge. After all it is just one book isn’t it? God’s people should love God’s book and know it inside and out.
In short look for a church that is producing people who look like Jesus Christ. If it’s not then, well… it’s not much of a church.