
Back when dad was alive he and mom used to mentor and help several young families. When we were moving mom out of her home I had the opportunity to read some of the personal letters of gratitude that were sent to my parents. One family had a young child that died of leukemia another family had some drug problems, another was about to lose their home, etc. In the end several of these families got things straightened out and in turn… help other people.
Recently a woman and her adult child traveled from Houston to Bulverde just to see mom. They brought food and visited with her and went to church with her. My brother is the one who reported this to me and he said the woman told mom… “you were always my rock”.
It stirs my heart just to think about it and encourages me to be involved in the lives of others… and I hope it encourages you. Mom is going to be 80 years old this year and I dread losing her but knowing that so many love her and care for her is very heart warming. Thank you for not forgetting about her.

Jerald Brooks Memorial


Guaranteed Seed