Guaranteed Seed

Matthew 13:23 is the last part of a parable that describes the effect God’s word has upon the hearts of men.
“And he that was planted upon the good ground is he that hears the word and understands it: who bears fruit and brings forth one hundred fold and sixty and thirty.”
I used to think that to be fruitful meant that I had to have some notches on my belt that represented people I had helped save from Satan. That is “converts”. So I was very motivated and can say that I helped lead many to the waters of baptism because I was worried that if I didn’t there might be a problem with my salvation.
What I see now is that God’s seed, that is his word, is perfect and when planted in the right soil conditions can’t help but be productive. It will produce… guaranteed… every time.
Just be a Christian. Live the life. Work hard to be just like Jesus Christ and you can’t help but be fruitful and productive. Our part is to believe and obey. God will take care of the rest.



A Different Kind of Race