Mother's Day 2016

I don’t know when my mom started getting old but one day I noticed her moving slower and being quieter and just kind of being content being in the back ground and that’s not my mom. Since that time I find myself thinking about her all the time and dreading the day that I won’t have her anymore. I guess that realization has caused some changes in me. I find myself calling her a lot more. I found out she talked on the phone to her sister every day so I decided what’s important to mom is also important to me so now one of my routines is to call aunt Missie on a regular basis and visit with her. I’ve learned a lot about my mom from her sister.
Aunt Missie told me the other day that mom was the smartest of the three siblings. When I told mom that she said no aunt Missie is the smartest… they love each other. I feel sorry for which ever one lives the longest. There is no joy in being the last one alive.
The other day Mom was down visiting and after supper she was in the kitchen helping clean up and my oldest grandchild (5 years old in a month) went in to the kitchen and told her “grandma, come play with us … we hardly ever get to see you”. Then on the way home Victoria asked my son and his wife where my mom lived and could she maybe come to Corpus Christi and live with them. I can’t tell you how much I love my granddaughter for making my mother feel so loved.
I am who I am today because my mother is who she is and I know that fact well. There will be a day when she’s gone and I can’t see her anymore or talk to her or share things with her but until that day comes I’m going to make the rest of her days as special as I can. Thanks Mom for everything.

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