Flee Fornication

There’s an old joke I love to tell about what the smallest sin in the Bible is. It falls flat on people with superficial Bible knowledge so I usually like to tell it to those who seem to have an in depth knowledge of the Bible… Preachers and church goers and such-like. Oh yeah, the punch line? “Flea fornication”… that is small, very small.
The reality is that the sin of fornication is huge in the Bible. It is constantly spoken against… much more than murder for instance. The reason? Because it is so prevalent in all generations of people.
Sexual intercourse is, of course, a very pleasurable activity. However, it has its greatest pleasure when it is set aside as a special thing, an intimacy that is reserved for a very special person… a spouse.
For some people sexual intercourse is like shaking hands… they’ll shake hands with anyone and it becomes so common that it loses its true value. It even has different names to make it sound better like “we’re together” and a “trial marriage”. You can call it whatever you want to. God calls it fornication and punishes people for it.
Let fleas fornicate… the rest of us should flee from it.

Mother's Day 2016


Playing Chess with Satan