To Treat Well or to Mis-treat That is the Question.

Matthew 25:42-45 demonstrates a principle that when we do good for other people it is the same as doing good for Jesus Christ. For example, if we go visit a widow… it’s like visiting Jesus. If we buy someone a hamburger… so forth and so on.
Acts 9:4-5 demonstrates a similar principal… when we mistreat other people it’s like mistreating Jesus. For example, you let a widow wallow in loneliness, ignore the hungry, etc… you did it to Jesus. Jesus I’m too busy and important to waste time on you. OK, generally we get those principles but as is sometimes said “the devil is in the details”.
It’s easy to help a kindly well-kept old lady who has fallen on a run of bad luck. Why? Because she kind of looks like Jesus. But how easy is it to help someone who looks bad and smells bad or who because of a low I.Q or mental illness or drug cooked brain continually makes bad decisions? Maybe, who is in some ways, like a modern day Lazarus. Could that be Jesus in disguise?
Whether we treat someone well, ignore them or mistreat them the reality is that they are Jesus Christ. Don’t ever forget that because Jesus won’t.

A Few Thoughts as I turn 61.


Selecting Elders in the New Testament